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New Port Richey Buccaneers

New Port Richey Buccaneers

League Info


The New Port Richey Buccaneers are a youth football and cheerleading organization located in
West Pasco that serves the New Port Richey, Holiday, Port Richey and surrounding areas of Pasco County.
Our organization is open for boys and girls, ages 3-14. We are a non-profit organization and are part of the Pasco Athletic League.

Our core focus is to serve our youth and our community by developing your athlete in lifelong values of teamwork, physical fitness, respect, leadership, positive sportsmanship, and accountability! Our organization has been serving our youth football and cheerleading community for over 50 years!



2.  No arguing with any Coach, Board Member or Bucs Volunteer

3.  Respect each other and the Coaches during all practices and games

4.  Parents are not allowed on to the practice or game fields unless a coach instructs you to come out and/or you have a badge to be on the sidelines with children

5.  Please have your child at practice on time (if you are going to be late, please let the Coach know)

6.  Please pick up trash and place it in the garbage cans around the facility

7.  Please keep the restrooms clean (if it's dirty please notify a Board member or Volunteer)

8.  Hydration is so important!! Make sure that your child has plenty of water to drink before, during & after practice (water will be provided by Bucs during games)

9.  In the event of bad weather, unless notified through Band that practice has been canceled, please show up and assume practice will be held.

10.  This is a Non-Profit VOLUNTEER RUN organization: we must have all families volunteer as often as possible to ensure our success.

2024 Fall Football

Our 2024 Fall Tackle Football program is 11 vs 11 tackle football for ages 5 to 14 year olds. Tackle Football is played through Pasco Athletic League's Age-Based Divisions. The Fall Tackle season begins with Summer Conditioning.

Division placement is based your athlete's age as shown below. All divisions are unlimited weight.

The Fall Tackle season begins with summer conditioning in June through mid-July. The Fall Tackle season officially runs from July through November.


-  July 1 - Tackle Football Practice Begins

-  August 17 - Jamboree hosted by the East Lake Eagles

- September 7- First game at Trinity

-November 9- Super Bowl hosted by KTech

All tackle teams practice Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm-8:30pm until school begins. Then we will practice 3 days a week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm-8:00pm

Players are required to meet conditioning requirements before they will be allowed to play any games/Jamboree.

-  Fall games begin in August and take place on Saturdays.
-  Kickoff times vary by division. Historically, games progress from our youngest team through JV

All necessary equipment, helmets and shoulder pads, are provided by the Bucs. Included in the cost of your registration is the use of certified football helmets, shoulder pads, and game-day uniform(s). This equipment will be fitted and issued to your athlete at the beginning of the season during Equipment Distribution and must be returned after the last game at Equipment Return.

IMPORTANT DATE!! TBD is Equipment Distribution.

Equipment Distribution is mandatory, so mark your calendars! 

QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT FOOTBALL? Contact the Athletic Director at [email protected]

2024 Fall Cheerleading

Our 2024 Cheer program is recreational cheerleading that includes fundamentals, development, sideline and competitive cheer.  All experience levels are welcome!

Summer Conditioning focuses on technique, physical conditioning and learning sideline cheers. Start date July 1, 2024

Fall is the start of sideline cheer and competition season. Athletes will cheer at Saturday football games and begin learning competition choreography. We will be building for a full routine to perform at competitions in October/November/December.

Team placement will be based on your athlete's age only. Team placement will be determined by the Cheer Director.


Fall Season - August through early December

-- Practice Begins July 1st

-- Sideline Cheer - Football games will be played on Saturdays starting August 17th through November 

-- Competition Cheer - October through early December.

Mascots (ages 3-4) will have a reduced schedule.

All practices are located at our home fields at J BEN HARRILL RECREATION CENTER in Holiday.

All cheer teams practice Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm-8:30pm until school begins. Then we will practice 3 days a week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Makeup practices may be held on Tuesday or Friday if practice is rained out.

Players are required to meet conditioning requirements before they will be allowed to cheer at any games/Jamboree.

Our Cheer program includes mandatory participation in sideline cheer at all football games. Football games are held on Saturdays and run from August through November.

-  Competition season runs from October through early December (season end will depend on team advancement).
-  ALL teams are competitive. 

*Disclaimer: Our Mascots will perform an exhibition routine at Cheer Off only*

QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT CHEER? Contact the Cheer Coordinator at [email protected]


Florida's rainy season runs from May through mid-October. This can and will impact our ability to hold practice. If practice is canceled due to rainout, a makeup practice will be scheduled. Pay attention to BAND for communication about if practice is delayed or canceled. PLEASE ALWAYS PLAN THAT PRACTICE IS STILL ON! We are always monitoring the weather and will let you know. This is Florida, it may be pouring at your house, but sunny at the fields.

We can and WILL practice in rain as long as there is no lightning in the area and the fields aren't overly saturated. Saturated fields aren't a safety issue, but we have to protect the integrity of our grass fields.

Most cheer practices will be delayed/cancelled for heavy rain. It's unsafe to stunt, jump or tumble in super wet conditions.

Parents, DO NOT DROP OFF your athlete if severe weather is in the forecast. 

If lightning is within 10 miles (we have a lightning detector), the practice/game will be suspended. Athletes will need to seek shelter in their parent's vehicle.

Coaches are responsible for having a head count of their kids for each practice.  When the FIRST sign of lightning strikes, you MUST head to your vehicle, but DO NOT LEAVE! We will assess timing and either wait it out or call practice. Check with league for this communication. This is for the safety of our coaches, players and parents.  If you decide to leave during a lightning delay, your athlete will be marked absent for practice and will count against their attendance.


The New Port Richey Buccaneers are fortunate to be one of the few organizations to have the field use agreement to a game field with all of the amenities that come with it.  With this, also comes responsibility.  We are responsible for the entire gameday experience for our families and our guests.  A contribution by the family of each athlete is needed to ensure our overall success.  We offer two ways for our families to meet this requirement:

1.  Every family is responsible for volunteering at least 4 hours to the organization per family prior to the completion of the season


2.  A buyout option where the family donates $50 and is not required to perform the contribution hours.

*Board Members, Coaches, and Team Parents are exempt from this requirement as long as they fulfill the duties of their title.*

We will have plenty of volunteer opportunities throughout the season to ensure all families may complete the required 4 hours.  These may include but are not limited to:

-  Participating in helmet drives 
-  Helping in concession during practices and games
-  Preparing half-time snacks for athletes
-  Car washes
-  Helping at the front gate during home games
-  Game Day set-up and break-down

The methods for tracking hours volunteered shall be coordinated by the Parent Representative.


Included with your registration fees is the use of a certified SpeedFlex football helmet and Rydell shoulder pads. This equipment will be fitted and issued to your athlete at the beginning of the season during Equipment Distribution and must be returned after the last game at Equipment Return. Game day jerseys and pants will also be distributed as included in your registration fee but are not required to be returned.

Included with your registration fees is the use of our game day and competition cheerleading uniforms. These uniforms will be fitted and issued to your athlete at the beginning of the season during Equipment Distribution and must be returned after the last competition at Equipment Return. 

-  It is very important you attend to Equipment Distribution, so mark your calendars! Your athlete will NOT be fitted during practice time and is not allowed to practice without a helmet.

-  Fall Equipment Distribution date TBD


Anyone volunteering as a Board Member, Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Jr Coach or Team Parent interacting with players must complete the Pasco Athletic League volunteer training requirements. There is strict adherence to this process for the safety of all participants.

You must have a badge if you will be in direct contact with children or if you need access to the Practice or Game field.

Photos should be a square clear headshot and will be used for your badge. No glasses or hats. Email your photo to either the Football Commissioner or Cheer Coordinator, and make it your photo on Sports Connect. 

Background Check
Please only submit a background check after you've been approved for your role. After you submit your application, we will receive a notification after your background check clears, so you don't have to do anything more here.
Background check link can be found here:

USA Football Certification
After you complete your training, email your certification to the Football Commissioner at [email protected].


Must be 21 years old by the start of the official Fall season
Head Coaches can only be rostered on one team.

Registration Requirements
-- Photo
-- Background Check

Must be 18 years old by the start of the official Fall season

Registration Requirements
-- Photo
-- Background Check


COACH TRAINEE (aka Jr Coach)
16-17 years old by the start of the official Fall season

Qualifications (Applies to Cheer Only)
-- At least two seasons prior Cheer/Dance experience.
-- The oldest girl on the team assisting must be at least 2 years younger.
-- The Coach Trainer may be used to demonstrate moves, techniques and may teach words to cheers. He/she is not allowed to coach or conduct a practice.

Registration Requirements
-- Photo
-- Parent Consent Form
-- Physical (Medical/Physical Release Form)
-- Proof of Age (Driver's License, Passport or Birth Certificate)


Registration Requirements
-- Photo
-- Background Check


Registration Requirements
- Photo
-- Background Check

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